Контрольная работа №2 (направление: ТСА, Техсервис АПК)
Вариант1 | Вариант2 | Вариант3 | Вариант4 | Вариант5 |
Вариант 1.
I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:
The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:
- Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
- His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
- Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
- The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
- Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
- Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
- I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.
III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:
- Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
- Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
- You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
- Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
- He is distributing fertilizers now.
- They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
- The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.
IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:
- Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
- During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
- His dog has been overfed with junk food.
- The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.
V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):
- В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
- Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
- В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
- Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
- Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
- В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
- В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.
VI. Работа с текстом:
(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;
The mower
The first thing about a mower is to ensure that the cutter bar is aligned so that there is no side strain on the connecting rod.
To cut properly, the knife should travel backwards and forwards so that the sections stop and start in the centres of the fingers of guards. Check this by moving the connecting rod attached to the knife and crankpin, through its outward and inward strokesˡ. If the knife sections fail to travel over the required area2, the cause could be that the connecting rod is too long or too short, or that the cutter bar is incorrectly mounted.
Most mowers incorporate a screw adjustment that permits the cutter bar to be moved to or from the mower but before making this adjustment, make quite sure that the connecting rod is the correct length. If a rod has been repaired by welding, its length may have been upset. A wooden rod may have been repaired with the wrong length of wood. Or it may be that the original rod has been replaced by one that is identical in all but length.
No one needs to be told that the knife sections should be sharp, but many people do not realize that these sections are only half the cutting mechanism. The other hall is provided by the sides of the fingers or guards over which the sections travel. If these sides are blunt, the effect will be the same as trying to cut with scissors possessing one sharp and one blunt edge. The cutting sides of the fingers are either integral part of 3 the fingers or else formed by a ledger plate riveted on. If the ledger plate is serrated, it must be renewed when blunt, but if it is smooth it can be ground sharp in the same way usually necessary to remove the fingers before they could he sharpened, but the advent of the portable disc grinder has made it possible for the fingers to be ground in place. One of the snags of removing the fingers is the difficulty of getting them lined up4 correctly when refitting them and, for this reason alone, the use of the portable grinder is to be preferred.
ˡ through its outward and inward strokes – проверив его возвратно-поступательное
2fail to travel – не двигаются
3are integral parts of – составляют единое целое
4getting them lined up – выравнивая их
(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);
(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.
VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
Вариант 2.
I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:
The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:
- Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
- His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
- Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
- The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
- Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
- Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
- I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.
III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:
- Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
- Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
- You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
- Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
- He is distributing fertilizers now.
- They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
- The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.
IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:
- Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
- During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
- His dog has been overfed with junk food.
- The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.
V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):
- В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
- Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
- В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
- Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
- Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
- В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
- В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.
VI. Работа с текстом:
(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;
Mechanizing the Hill Farm
1. Diesel Tractors. The hill lands of Britain are now beginning to use farm machinery. The tractor fleet had grown to five up to a short time ago, comprising three v.o. Fordson Majors,1 one with half tracks, a petrol-driven Ferguson1 and an early Diesel-engined track-layer. This combination proved uneconomical since the tractors could not be kept fully
occupied and used three different kinds of fuel. The three Fordsons were replaced by a Fordson Major Diesel and the petrol-engined Ferguson exchanged for a Diesel model; these three tractors, properly managed2 can cope all the farm’s requirements.
The tracklayer is the mainstay as regards cultivations. With a 4-furrow plough it is invaluable on the sloping ground, some of which is so steep that it has to be worked one way only. The tracklayer is also generally used for cultivating and seeding. The tracks were not renewed until they had done three years’ service, working well over 1,000 hours a year. The Fordson helps out with a mounted 3-furrow plough and the Ferguson with a 2-furrow.
2. Speeding the Harvest. This year, for the first time, a combine was used there. The oats were gathered by binder and put up into the traditional small stacks: the season being wet, the stacks were built over tripods. A Ransomes3 4-ft. cut combine was used for the barley and proved very effective. It was hauled by the small tractor. And put up as good a performance as a larger machine, which helped it out. A pick-up baler was used for the straw. The form a mobile and easily set- up outfit. Trouble has been experienced with the baler’s petrol engine, however, and it is hoped to convert it to power take-off drive.
Carting home bales, often a considerable distance on the 4-mile long farm, is speeded up by the use of big 4-wheel trailers. Their ample capacity, large tyres and efficient brakes make them extremely useful m this type of country.
3. Baled Silage. A pick-Lip baler is used for silage. One of the farmers baled about 75 tons in 1954, mainly a beans-oats-barley mixture, in bales weighing about 56 lb. Nothing was added to tile silo; the bales were merely packed carefully and consolidated by tractors each night. The quality of the silage appears to be quite good. The bales were never allowed to touch the ground, but were stacked direct on specially-made 2-wheeled, low-loading trailers with a capacity of 2 tons.
1Fordson Majors, Ferguson – марки тракторов
2properly managed – при надлежащем уходе
3Ransomes – марка комбайна
(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);
(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.
VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
Вариант 3.
I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:
The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:
- Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
- His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
- Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
- The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
- Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
- Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
- I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.
III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:
- Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
- Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
- You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
- Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
- He is distributing fertilizers now.
- They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
- The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.
IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:
- Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
- During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
- His dog has been overfed with junk food.
- The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.
V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):
- В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
- Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
- В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
- Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
- Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
- В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
- В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.
VI. Работа с текстом:
(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;
Combine harvesters
Bushels per acre, not acres per day, must be the aim of the combine operator who wants the maximum amount of grain from a given crop.
To maintain an even flow of material through the machine is possible by varying land speed according to crop volume. No specific recommendations can be given in this respect – the driver must make his variations almost instinctively to maintain the even rhythm characteristic of well-fed threshing mechanism.
Cylinder speed controls threshing; therefore it should be matched with both the volume and condition of the crop. Heavy and damp crops require higher speeds than do light and dry crops. A cylinder speed which is too low for damp material will leave unthreshed grain in the head. On the other hand, to thresh dry grain at too high a speed causes excessive chaff.
The concave is as important for separation as for threshing. It is an adjustable stationary grid against which the drum rubs out the grain. In reasonable harvesting conditions, it should be about 5/16 in. from the front of the cylinder.
If cracked grain appears, lower the front of the concave and reduce the cylinder speed; if grain tends to remain in the head, raise the front end and increase the cylinder speed.
Straw-walkers should be used to separate only the minimum of grain. Loss over the walkers indicates that the straw has been overloaded with grain, which would have been removed at the cylinder and concave had they been correctly adjusted.
As a general rule, sieves lose more grain through lack of wind than from excess. Grain goes out with the chaff when the latter is allowed to sit on the sieves. This can be prevented by adjusting the fan air-inlet shutter so that the outlet blast is strong enough to keep the chaff riding above the grainˡ.
Before starting a combine, even for a preliminary run, lubricate it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This routine must be observed throughout the season, for it usually takes longer 2 to cure a fault caused by lack of lubrication that it takes to lubricate the complete machine.
ˡ to keep the chaff riding above the grain
2 it usually takes longer
(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);
(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.
VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
Вариант 4.
I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:
The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:
- Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
- His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
- Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
- The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
- Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
- Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
- I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.
III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:
Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
He is distributing fertilizers now.
They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.
IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:
- Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
- During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
- His dog has been overfed with junk food.
- The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.
V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):
- В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
- Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
- В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
- Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
- Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
- В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
- В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.
VI. Работа с текстом:
(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;
New combine harvesters
A. A New Combine with a 6-ft. Cut. A small self-propelled combine has been designed. The new machine is extremely maneuverable, having an overall width of 7 ft. 7 in. and weighing 34 ts. It is low builtˡ, height 8 ft. 3 in. and has a turning radius of 14 ft. It has a 6 ft. width of cut.
Power is supplied by the 4 cyl. 1500 c.c. engine, which develops 23,5 b.h.p. at 2,400 r.p.m. The drive is taken to the gearbox by V-belt through a conventional variable speed arrangement. The gearbox has three forward and one reverse speeds, and the variable speed drive gives a choice of 11 speeds in each gear, giving a total of 33 speeds.
The differential is built into the gearbox, and drive to the land wheels is through the gearbox centre shaft to internal gears in the wheels.
In testing the improved design has proved that increased capacity and control is provided even when the crop is partly matted with wet weeds and mud.
The feeder, from table to cylinder, has been radically altered in design from the conventional vertical elevator and many working parts are dispensed with. No chains or sprockets come into contact with the crop, and feeding is progressively controlled by two rotary drum conveyors.
The thin steel wire concave is believed to give maximum threshing at the cylinder, reducing grain damage.
The steering wheel is conveniently situated and operates through an automotive type steering linkage, the axle being fully articulated to allow easy travelling over rough ground2 without strain on the chassis.
B. New Combine Harvesters. Combine harvesters and grain-drying and storage equipment were in great demand at the show (in 1957). Despite the progress which has been made in the mechanization of the grain harvest in the past ten years, there still is need for considerable work.
Two new combines which created a lot of interest were the new Ransomes 12-ft. cut self-propelled machine and the 7-ft. cut Class Huckopack.3
The outstanding feature of the Class Huckopack is that it is carried on a power-frame tractor which can be removed and used as a general-purpose implement carrier. The combine is powered by a two-cylinder petrol engine and the carrier by a single-cylinder Diesel. The reel and platform of the combine are controlled by a hydraulic system, which can be applied to other implements used with the tractor.
The Ferguson3 tractor-mounted combine was not shown. Two new self-propelled combines which were not shown are expected to be available for this year’s harvest. One of them has a 6-ft. cut and 3-ft. 3-in. cylinder, the other has a 7-ft. 6-in. cut and a 4-ft. cylinder, and is powered by a David Brown Diesel4.
ˡ low built – низко поставленный, с малым дорожным просветом
2 rough ground – неровный рельеф, неровная поверхность почвы
3 Ransomes, Class Huckopack, Ferguson – марки комбайнов
4 David Grown Diesel engine – дизельный двигатель марки Дэвид Браун
(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);
(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.
VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.
Вариант 5.
I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:
The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:
- Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
- His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
- Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
- The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
- Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
- Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
- I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.
III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:
- Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
- Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
- You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
- Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
- He is distributing fertilizers now.
- They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
- The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.
IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:
- Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
- During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
- His dog has been overfed with junk food.
- The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.
V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):
- В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
- Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день.
- В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
- Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
- Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
- В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
- В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.
VI. Работа с текстом:
(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;
Harvesting recommendations
The following recommendations are to be used along with the instruction manual in making initial combine adjustments.
Wheat. A cylinder speed of 1,000 to 1,300 r.p.m. is normal for most machines. Excessively closeˡ cylinder to concave clearances should be avoided. Usually a spacing of approximately 1/4 to 1/2 in. will give satisfactory results. If the spacing were greater, the results would be unsatisfactory. In so far as it is possible to do so, obtain the required threshing action by varying the cylinder speed, white maintaining recommended concave settings. The chaffer should be from two-thirds to three-quarters open, and the sieve one-third to half open. Open fan shutters as much as possible without blowing good grain over. The fan blast should be directed towards the front of the sieves and should be strong enough to lift or float the chaff across the chaffer and sieves.
Oats. Oats must be completely ripe if the combined grain is to be stored without heating. Extremely weedy oats may have to be cut and windrowed be combined at about the same cylinder speed as wheat, and with somewhat greater cylinder to concave clearance. The chaffer and sieve are usually opened slightly more than for wheat, but the fan blast should be reduced.
Barley. Barley is relatively easy to combine if the crop is clean and dry. If the barley has ripened unevenly, or is excessively weedy, it may have to be cut and windrowed prior to combining. Barley can usually be combined at slightly lower cylinder speeds than wheat, and with about the same cylinder to concave clearance. Barley to be sold for malting purposes must not contain skinned or hulled2 grains. The adjustable chaffer should be from half to two-thirds open, and the sieve one-third to half open. The fan shutters should be nearly open, with the fan blast directed well to the front of the sieves.
ˡ excessively close – чрезмерно плотный
2 skinned – ободранный; hulled – без чешуи
(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);
(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.
VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.
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