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Английский язык 2кр (ФЗО) Агроинженерия

 <В начало

Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 Вариант 5


Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для заочного отделения 

(специальность: Агроинженерия )

Вариант 1

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня. 


 VI.  Работа с текстом:

     a) Найдите в тексте  эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

 1. Жатка-сноповязалка

 2. Широкое рапространение

  3. Молотилка

  4. Превосходное качество

  5. Сморщиться

  6. Осыпание зерна

  7. Содержание воды

  8. Степень зрелости

  9. Фаза тестообразного состояния зерна

  10. Избежать порчи


b) Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите, чем они выражены.

с)  Поставьте вопросы всех типов к следующим предложениям.

1. Rust may slow the maturity rate of the grain plants

2. Harvesting has undergone a revolution during recent years

3. The number of acres of grain per man is much greater today than was a few years ago

4. Grain must be dried before threshing.

d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.



Harvesting, like other phases of farming, has undergone a revolution during recent years. The change from the cradle to the self-binding reaper marked a great advance in Agriculture and made possible an enormous expansion in grain production. No less important has been the shift from binder harvest to the use of the combine harvester-thresher. The number of acres of grain that can be farmed per man is much greater today than was a few years ago.

The farmer plans to harvest his crops just as early as possible* but not before the crop is mature enough to give maximum yields of superior quality. If wheat is cut too early, the grain may be shriveled and the quality inferior. Too early harvesting with the combine may result in heating the grain in storage. If it is left too long, shattering losses to the grower

It is a common belief among some farmers that small grain crops heavily attacked by rust should be harvested before they mature to secure the best yields. Some scientists have shown this to be incorrect. Grain plants continue to develop their seeds as long as the plant has a water content of more than 40 per cent. Rust may slow the maturity rate of the grain plants, but even under these conditions it is better to delay harvest until the normal time.

The farmers who have large acreages may feel it necessary to start harvest as nearly as possible or order to complete the job within a reasonable period. It is best, however, to delay the start of harvest until the grain is in the dough stage. As this time no further materials are being elaborated, and ripening is a matter of water loss. Care must be taken to avoid spoilage from the high water content of the straw if the crop is cut with a binder and shocked. Some varieties tend to have green straw after the grain is ripe enough for harvest, and care must be exercised to prevent spoilage in the shock. When grain is harvested with a binder, it is said to contain 20 to 30 per cent water. Naturally such grain must be dried before threshing. Usually the drying process is completed in the shocks formed from the bundles.


          VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты   “The Daily Telegraph”

(http: // telegraph.co. uk.)  объемом 1500 печ. знаков и письменно переведите.


VIII. Подготовьте сообщение о себе.

  Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для заочного отделения 

(специальность: Агроинженерия)


Вариант 2

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня.


 VI. Работа  с текстом:

   а)  Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

  1.Особая обработка

   2.Продуктивная способность

   3.Восстановление почвы

   4.Первоначальный верхний слой

   5.Органический материал

   6.Поддержание жизни растений

   7.Поверхность земли

   8.Крупнозернистый верхний слой

   9. Естественно плодородный

   10. Выветривание горных пород


    b)  Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите, чем они выражены.

   c)   Поставьте вопросы всех типов к следующим предложениям.

1. The weathering of the rocks and minerals has going on for millions of years

   d)   Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

Soil and soil fertility

Soil management is the application of practices to maintain or improve soil fertility, and a fertile soil is one which has the capacity to supply nutrients for high crop production. Some soils are naturally fertile; others are naturally poor and require intensive treatment in order to make them fertile; still others were formerly fertile but have been eroded or depleted and require special treatment in order to restore their productive capacity.

A great deal has been written about soil conservation during the past 20 years. There is a popular opinion that fertility is characteristic of the top soil; when, it is removed, die productive capacity is gone forever. The loss of topsoil represents a loss of fertility, provided through centuries of soil building by natural processes]. The natural topsoil may be gone forever, but man may build a new topsoil which is just as fertile, or even more fertile than the original topsoil. The important point is that, while man has the ability to rebuild a topsoil, the process is expensive and may not always be profitable. Therefore, we stress conservation, because it is more economical to keep soil from eroding away than to rebuild a fertile topsoil

What is soil? Soil is the mixture of mineral and organic material at the land surface that is capable of substaining plant life. The minerals and rocks that compose the earth's surface had a common origin, and the elements required by plants are found over entire surface of the earth, although in highly variable proportions. The weathering of the rocks and minerals has going on for millions of years, until most of the earth's surface is now a mass of finely divided mineral matter. As plants cover the land, the rots are abundant near the surface, and as the plants die, their remains fell on the surface of the ground/As a consequence, organic matter accumulates on and in the surface of the soil. This is characteristic of soils over the entire earth. Another important characteristic is the plant cover stabilizes the soil against erosion, and as water percolates through the soil, there is movement of the finer particles to lower depths. Therefore, as soils develop with time, there is a tendency toward a development of a layer of clay beneath a layer of coarser textured topsoil.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты   “ The  Daily Telegraph

(http:// telegraph.co. uk.)   объемом 1500 печ. знаков и письменно переведите.

VIII. Подготовьте сообщение о себе.


  Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для заочного отделения 

(специальность: Агроинженерия)


Вариант 3

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня.

VI. Работа с текстом:

       a) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

       1.Смена поколений

       2. Воспроизведение

       3. Снаружи

       4. Почка, «глазок»

        5. Луковица

        6. В основании

        7. Стелющийся побег

        8. Укореняться

         9. Отводок, черенок

        10.Отбор, отбраковка

       b) Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите, чем они выражены.

      с) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

      d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

Vegetative propagation

Like all plants flowering plants undergo alternation of generations. In one stage of their lives, they reproduce asexually. In the other stage they reproduce sexually.

Many flowering plants can also reproduce asexually by growth of pieces from an existing plant This type of reproduction is known as vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation occurs naturally in many plants. In addition, it is often used artificially by people to grow new plants.

Vegetative propagation in nature. In nature, some plants reproduce vegetatively from specialized stems. Some grasses produce stems that grow underground. The stems grow outward in all directions from the parent plant. These underground stems, like stems above the ground, have buds. Both roots and stems may grow from the underground buds.

A potato is another type of underground stem. The potato stores starch. It also has buds, each of which can produce a new plant like itself

Some plants, like onions and lilies, produce bulbs. In a bulb, leaves are tightly packed around a tiny piece of stem. In some plants the bulb is formed underground. In others, it is formed at the base of the leaves.

Plants such as the strawberry, produce a special trailing stem called a runner, New plants often grow at the tip of each runner. These plants may become rooted in the soil and produce runners of their own.

Growing plants by vegetative propagation. One way to grow house or garden plants is to make a cutting. A cutting is either a leaf or a piece of stem cut from a mature plant. When grown under the right conditions, a cutting can produce a new plant.

Stem cuttings are usually the easiest to grow. Growers clip about the top 10 cm. from the stem of a healthy plant to produce a cutting. The cut is made just below a leaf. The grower will cut off any flower buds on the culling and may cut away some of the leaves. Removing some of the leaves prevents the cuttings from losing too much water.

Cutting will root when placed in ajar of water. Some cuttings will root more quickly if placed in a pot containing wet sand or wet vermiculite. Covering the pot with a plastic bag keep the air moist around the cutting.

In nature, plants will grow from runners without any special treatment But growers can speed up the process by binding a stem and burying its tip in the ground The new plants grow from the tips. Grapevines, berry bushes, and climbing rose plants are usually produced from runners.

          VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты   “ The Daily Telegraph

          (http://telegraph.co. uk.) объемом 1500 печ. Знаков и письменно переведите.


           VIII. Подготовьте сообщение о себе.


Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для заочного отделения 

(специальность: Агроинженерия)

Вариант 4

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня.


VI.  Работа с текстом:

          a) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

         1. Относительно низкий

         2.Приносит пользу

         3.Остаточный эффект

         4. Частично

         5. Питание растений

         6. Влагоудерживающий

         7. Доступный

         8.Определенная ценность

         9. Умеренное внесение

         10.Полезная отдача


          b)Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите, чем они выражены.

          с) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

          d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

Farm manure

There is no question of the value of farm manure as source both of organic matter and of plant-food constituents. The manure varies in quality with the material fed, the material used for bedding, the kind of livestock, and the care with which the manure has been handled. In general, it is high in nitrogen and potash and relatively low in phosphoric acid.


Not only does manure benefit the immediate crop, but it has a marked residual effect, particularly if large amounts are used on the heavier soils. This is due in part to the fact that manure is more than a source of plant food. But many of the benefits of manure are_indirect. As a source of humus and organic matter, it improves the physical condition of the soil, its water-holding capacity, aeration and temperature relationships. It favors the activities of soil organisms that make nutrients available to plants.

In addition, certain part of its organic constituents may have definite value in promoting plant growth and stimulating root development

Manure is most effective if supplemented with sufficient phosphoric fertilizers to make up for its phosphoric acid deficiency. Moderate applications over wider areas bring more profitable returns than unusually heavy applications, a common rate of use being 8 tons per acre .One knows of its having being applied in most regions in this amount.

          VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты  «The Daily Telegraph”

(http://telegraph.co.uk.) объемом 1500 печ. Знаков и письменно переведите.


          VIII. Подготовьте сообщение о себе.


Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для заочного отделения 

(специальность: Агроинженерия)

Вариант 5

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня.

VI. Работа с текстом:

    а) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:  

    1.Зона деления

    2. Древесный стебель

    3.Защитные чешуйки

    4. Кольцевидный рубчик

    5. Корневой чехлик

    6. Кончик стебля

    7. Сосудистая ткань

    8. Годовые кольца

    9. Период вегетации

    10. Слой, пласт


       b) Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите,

       чем они выражены.

       с) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

       d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.


Patterns of Growth

Plants continue to grow, or increase in side throughout their leaves. The growth of a plant is a result of cell division and enlargement of cells. Cell division takes place only in special regions in each organ. These regions are called dividing zones.

Growth of stems and roots. A growth region is located at the tips of both roots and sterns. Cells in these regions are actively divided. Cells outside the growing tips do not divide. After new cells are produced,  they become longer. In turn,  the length of the stem or root increases.

When not actively growing, the dividing zones of woody stems are covered by protective scales. When growth starts, the scales fell away, Ringlike scars called scale scars are left on the stem where the scales once were.

The distance between the scale scars and the tip of the stem is the amount the stem has grown during the last growing season. A single stem may have several scale scars on it..  Each scar represents the end of a different growing season. The age of any stem can be determined by counting the scale scars.

In roots, the dividing zone is covered with the root cap. As calls are worn from the root cap, they are replaced by new cells formed in the dividing zone.

The stems and roots of most woody plants increase in width as well as length. Growth in width is made possible by a dividing zone called the cambium* The cambium is between the xylem and phloem cells. Each year the cambium produces new layers of xylem and phloem. Once formed, xylem and phloem cells do not divide.

The old phloem cells in stems are crushed between the new phloem and the bark. The new layer of xylem cells forms a ring around the old layers. When growing conditions are favorable, new cells in the xylem are big. When conditions are poor, new xylem cells are small. Growing conditions vary from season to season. Different amounts of growth in different seasons creates bands in the vascular tissue called annual rings.


          VII. Найдите статью из интернет — газеты  “The Daily Telegraph

   (http: // telegraph. co. uk)  объемом 1500  печ. знаков и письменно переведите.


          VIII. Подготовьте сообщение о себе. 




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