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Иностранные языки → английский язык ФЗО

Артикул: иняз24-5

Автор решения: admin

Вариант 5 I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы: The teacher explains new rules.   II…

Вариант 5

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня.

VI. Работа с текстом:

    а) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:  

    1.Зона деления

    2. Древесный стебель

    3.Защитные чешуйки

    4. Кольцевидный рубчик

    5. Корневой чехлик

    6. Кончик стебля

    7. Сосудистая ткань

    8. Годовые кольца

    9. Период вегетации

    10. Слой, пласт


       b) Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите,

       чем они выражены.

       с) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

       d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.


Patterns of Growth

Plants continue to grow, or increase in side throughout their leaves. The growth of a plant is a result of cell division and enlargement of cells. Cell division takes place only in special regions in each organ. These regions are called dividing zones.

Growth of stems and roots. A growth region is located at the tips of both roots and sterns. Cells in these regions are actively divided. Cells outside the growing tips do not divide. After new cells are produced,  they become longer. In turn,  the length of the stem or root increases.

When not actively growing, the dividing zones of woody stems are covered by protective scales. When growth starts, the scales fell away, Ringlike scars called scale scars are left on the stem where the scales once were.

The distance between the scale scars and the tip of the stem is the amount the stem has grown during the last growing season. A single stem may have several scale scars on it..  Each scar represents the end of a different growing season. The age of any stem can be determined by counting the scale scars.

In roots, the dividing zone is covered with the root cap. As calls are worn from the root cap, they are replaced by new cells formed in the dividing zone.

The stems and roots of most woody plants increase in width as well as length. Growth in width is made possible by a dividing zone called the cambium* The cambium is between the xylem and phloem cells. Each year the cambium produces new layers of xylem and phloem. Once formed, xylem and phloem cells do not divide.

The old phloem cells in stems are crushed between the new phloem and the bark. The new layer of xylem cells forms a ring around the old layers. When growing conditions are favorable, new cells in the xylem are big. When conditions are poor, new xylem cells are small. Growing conditions vary from season to season. Different amounts of growth in different seasons creates bands in the vascular tissue called annual rings.


          VII. Найдите статью из интернет — газеты  “The Daily Telegraph

   (http: // telegraphcouk)  объемом 1500  печ. знаков и письменно переведите.

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