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Иностранные языки → английский язык ФЗО

Артикул: иняз24-3ё

Автор решения: admin

Вариант 3 I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы: The teacher explains new rules.   II…

Вариант 3

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие в английском языке временные и залоговые формы:

The teacher explains new rules.


II. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Письма посылают        - ежедневно

                                           - сейчас

                                           - каждую неделю

                                           -уже два часа


2. Письма послали           - вчера

                                           - сегодня

                                           - до того, как вы пришли


3. Письма посылали        - когда я пришел

                                           - вчера в это время


4. Письма пошлют         - завтра

                                         - до того, как вы придете


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. She showed him the way to the metro station.
  2. He will introduce me to his friends.
  3. They are building a bridge over the river.
  4. I haven’t yet translated the article.
  5. We were looking at the man with great surprise.
  6. You will speak about the film at the lesson.
  7. The headmistress sent for the pupil’s parents.


IV. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную:

     1. He says: “I will come to see you next Sunday”.

     2. She said: “My best friend is a doctor”.

3. He said: “ I have a good camera”.

4. He asked me: “Where are you going?”

5. My uncle said: “ I have just come back from Caucasus”.

6. She asks me: “Where is the post office?”

7. Mother told us: “ Don’t touch it”.


V. Переведите на английский язык:

Все телеграммы отправлены? Половина телеграмм отправлена вчера. Остальные напечатаны. Последние сейчас печатают. Их напечатают к часу дня.

VI. Работа с текстом:

       a) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

       1.Смена поколений

       2. Воспроизведение

       3. Снаружи

       4. Почка, «глазок»

        5. Луковица

        6. В основании

        7. Стелющийся побег

        8. Укореняться

         9. Отводок, черенок

        10.Отбор, отбраковка

       b) Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите, чем они выражены.

      с) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

      d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

Vegetative propagation

Like all plants flowering plants undergo alternation of generations. In one stage of their lives, they reproduce asexually. In the other stage they reproduce sexually.

Many flowering plants can also reproduce asexually by growth of pieces from an existing plant This type of reproduction is known as vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation occurs naturally in many plants. In addition, it is often used artificially by people to grow new plants.

Vegetative propagation in nature. In nature, some plants reproduce vegetatively from specialized stems. Some grasses produce stems that grow underground. The stems grow outward in all directions from the parent plant. These underground stems, like stems above the ground, have buds. Both roots and stems may grow from the underground buds.

A potato is another type of underground stem. The potato stores starch. It also has buds, each of which can produce a new plant like itself

Some plants, like onions and lilies, produce bulbs. In a bulb, leaves are tightly packed around a tiny piece of stem. In some plants the bulb is formed underground. In others, it is formed at the base of the leaves.

Plants such as the strawberry, produce a special trailing stem called a runner, New plants often grow at the tip of each runner. These plants may become rooted in the soil and produce runners of their own.

Growing plants by vegetative propagation. One way to grow house or garden plants is to make a cutting. A cutting is either a leaf or a piece of stem cut from a mature plant. When grown under the right conditions, a cutting can produce a new plant.

Stem cuttings are usually the easiest to grow. Growers clip about the top 10 cm. from the stem of a healthy plant to produce a cutting. The cut is made just below a leaf. The grower will cut off any flower buds on the culling and may cut away some of the leaves. Removing some of the leaves prevents the cuttings from losing too much water.

Cutting will root when placed in ajar of water. Some cuttings will root more quickly if placed in a pot containing wet sand or wet vermiculite. Covering the pot with a plastic bag keep the air moist around the cutting.

In nature, plants will grow from runners without any special treatment But growers can speed up the process by binding a stem and burying its tip in the ground The new plants grow from the tips. Grapevines, berry bushes, and climbing rose plants are usually produced from runners.

          VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты   “ The Daily Telegraph

          (http://telegraph.couk.) объемом 1500 печ. Знаков и письменно переведите.

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