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Английский язык 2 кр (ФЗО) ЭКУ, БУА

<в начало

Вариант1 Вариант2 Вариант3 Вариант4 Вариант5 



Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку

для студентов заочного отделения ИжГСХА

(направление: ЭКУ, БУА)

Вариант 1.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

           The gardener plants beautiful flowers.


II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.
  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.


IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.
  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.


V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день.
  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.


VI. Работа с текстом:

(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

What is Economics?

It is difficult to give a full and accurate definition of economics but it is possible to indicate what problems economists are interested in. These are factors that affect prices of goods and services, and also resources necessary to produce them. Economists are also interested in sellers and buyers’ behavior in the market, in the relationship between the “price system” and the “market mechanism”.

Now economics has become more complex. There are three main approaches to economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics and development economics. Respectively, there are several specialized areas of economics study. Among them are money economics, labour economics, industrial economics, agricultural economics, growth economics, mathematical economics, etc.

Like many other sciences, economics uses the so-called models to understand economic problems. A model often helps an economist to make correct economic predictions. And the economist usually follows several rules while calculating a model of further going economic behaviour.

Firstly, real life is complex, and it is not always possible for an economist to take into account all the details in a would-be model. Thus, a model turns out as an abstraction from real life. A model usually includes only essential elements and relationships existing in a particular economic situation.

Secondly, in case an economist has two differing models of one economic phenomenon he always chooses the model that predicts, or even witnesses the results of a particular phenomenon more accurately.

And thirdly, although models are helpful in economic analysis, an economist always studies the actual economic situation before he draws conclusions. Though, very often it is not enough to make models, it is also necessary to collect and study actual data in order to know how accurate this or that model is.

 (b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(c) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.


VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.





Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку

для студентов заочного отделения ИжГСХА

(направление: ЭКУ, БУА)


Вариант 2.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

                The gardener plants beautiful flowers.


II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.
  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.


IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.
  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.


V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.


VI. Работа с текстом:

            (a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

Sectors of Economy

There are three main sectors in any economy: the primary sector, the secondary sector, and the tertiary sector.

The primary sector of economy includes industries that get goods from nature such as agriculture and mining. There are two main branches in agriculture: crop and animal farming. Mining partially belongs to the secondary sector for mineral resources need industrial processing. For instance, forestry, fishery and beekeeping also belong to this sector.

Manufacturing industries are those of producing goods by means of mechanical, electrical or chemical, but not manual processing of resources, and belong to the secondary sector. People who do not produce goods but provide different services for plants and factories work for the secondary sector like those of plant and factory managers. This sector also encompasses companies that provide fuel, energy and transport for manufacturing.

The tertiary sector provides different services to consumers such as trade, transport, banking, insurance and other public services. Teachers, doctors, tourist agents, drivers, lawyers, etc. work in the tertiary sector.

There are countries which are rich in land. They can use land intensively and produce agricultural products and minerals. So, manufacturing plays an important role in the world economy but there is a tendency today for growth of the servicing sector in many national economies, especially of highly industrialized countries.

(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(c) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.


VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.






Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку

для студентов заочного отделения ИжГСХА

(направление: ЭКУ, БУА)


Вариант 3.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

                The gardener plants beautiful flowers.


II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.
  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.


IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.
  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.


V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.


VI. Работа с текстом:

  1. прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

Areas of Economics

There are three main dimensional approaches to economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics and development economics.

Microeconomics focuses on individual economic units. The economic behaviour of either individual consumers or firms or whole industries is studied by microeconomics. The distribution and consumption of products and income received among all these units is also analyzed by microeconomics. In this field of economics individuals are considered both as suppliers of labour and as consumers of goods. Firms are also studied both as suppliers and as consumers of labour and capital.

There was a long period in the 19th and in the early 20th centuries when microeconomic questions dominated in the national economics. In the 20th century economists’ interest in forces that affect income, employment and prices grew. And they considered economy in all its relationships.

The term “macroeconomics” was first used in the 1930s. The world political and economic depression that began in 1929 required the study of such macroeconomic questions as achievement of full employment and economic growth by means of proper government policies. This area of economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes.

The third main field of economics - development economics studies the

factors of economic growth, and how these factors are used by governments in order to achieve high living standards in the country.

(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(c) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.


VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.





Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку

для студентов заочного отделения ИжГСХА

(направление: ЭКУ, БУА)


Вариант 4.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

                The gardener plants beautiful flowers.


II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
  5. Contour plowing (to use)  soon to prevent soil erosion.
  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.
  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.


IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.
  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.


V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день.
  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.


VI. Работа с текстом:

  1. прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

Development Economics

Development economics is an important branch of economics which considers specific problems of the Third World countries. These countries are given a variety of different names such as “underdeveloped countries”, “less developed countries” (LDCs), and “developing countries”. All these terms contrast third world countries with first world countries which are called “developed” or “industrialized”. Economies of Western Europe, North America and Japan belong to this type.

The growth of the Third World countries was specially great in the 1950s and 1960. Most of these countries were formally a part of the colonial system and were controlled by the Western Europe. Many countries got political independence after World War II, but they haven’t become independent economically yet. For example, India has been an independent country since 1945.

The most advanced Asian and South American countries are sometimes called “newly industrialized countries”. Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea have reached great success in the development of their light manufacturing industries recently They have already greatly increased the exports of such goods as footwear, clothes and electronics all over the world. Brazil and Mexico have also increased their share in the world market mainly by means of foodstuff export.

However, the developing countries are distinguished from the developed nations by the following common characteristics: lower average income per capita, low labour productivity, low level of education, high mortality rate, fast population growth, low living standards, etc.

      (b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

     (c) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.


VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.





Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку

для студентов заочного отделения ИжГСХА

(направление: ЭКУ, БУА)


Вариант 5.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

                The gardener plants beautiful flowers.


II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.


III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.
  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.


IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.
  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.


V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день.
  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.


VI. Работа с текстом:

  1. прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

Applied Fields of Economics

There is a basic theory and factors in economics in which all economists are interested. However, economics has some main applied fields that deal with specific topics such as industrial, agricultural economics, economics of energy, economics of education, labour economics, etc.

Industrial organization and structure are studied by the industrial economics which also analyzes markets for manufactured goods as well as policies of various enterprises. The degree of concentration and barriers against new competitors in the market have already been analyzed by industrial economics for such important branches of economy as mining, gas and oil industries, etc. The firms and companies’ operation in an industry is influenced by the structure of the industry itself. Both profits and losses in any industry also are affected by the behaviour of firms and companies engaged in the industry.

The economics of energy is known as another important field of applied economics, and it is closely connected with the industrial economics. A lot of energy has been used by modern economy in recent decades. Farms, factories, plants, transport as well as domestic needs consumption have greatly increased the consumption of energy since new modern equipment and technologies have been introduced.

In the past wood and coal were used as the main sources of energy. Then these sources were replaced by gas and oil, in most industries. However, in the 1970s energy sources became scarce and there was a rise in energy prices. Since that time serious adjustments have been made by industrial economics in order to cope with energy scarcity.

For the last few decades the problems of energy economics have been discussed by specialists and governments in many countries. Regular meetings are held by the OPEC formed to regulate oil prices.

      (b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

     (c) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.


VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.





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