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Английский язык ИжГСХА лесники

<в каталог

Вариант1 Вариант2 Вариант3 Вариант4 Вариант5 


Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку

для студентов заочного отделения ИжГСХА

(направление: лесное хозяйство)

Вариант 1.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

             The gardener plants beautiful flowers.

II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.

  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.

  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.

  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.

  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.

  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.

  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.

III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.

  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.

  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.

  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.

  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.

  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.

  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.

IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.

  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.

  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.

  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.

  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день

  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.

  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.

  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?

  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.

  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.

  8. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.

VI. Работа с текстом:

(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;


Forestry is the science of developing and managing woodlands, along with the wastelands and waters and other resources associated with them, for the benefit of humankind. The evolution of the practice of forestry has to a large degree paralleled that of natural resource conservation generally. As a consequence, while the chief object of forestry is usually the raising and harvesting of successive crops of timber, professional foresters have increasingly become involved in activities related to the conservation of soil, water, and wildlife resources and to recreation. Formal education in forestry began about 1825 when private forestry schools were established. These were the outgrowth of the old master schools such as Cotta Master School, which developed into the forestry college at Tharandt- one of the leading forestry schools in Germany. The National School of Forestry was established in Nancy, France in 1825. During the 19th century the reputation of German foresters stood so high that they were employed in most continental European countries. The 20th century has seen the steady growth of national forest laws and policies designed to protect wood lands as enduring assets. Beginning in the 1940s vast land reclamation was undertaken by Greece, Israel, Italy, Spain and the Maghrib countries of North Africa.

Urban forestry which is the management of publicly and privately owned trees in and adjacent to urban areas has emerged as an important branch of forestry. A prominent distinction between urban and rural forestry is that urban trees are more highly valued than rural trees, and often receive expensive individual care and attention.

(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.

VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.



Вариант 2.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

           The gardener plants beautiful flowers.

II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.

  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.

  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.

  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.

  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.

  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.

  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.

III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.

  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.

  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.

  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.

  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.

  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.

  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.

IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.

  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.

  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.

  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.

  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день

  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.

  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.

  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?

  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.

  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.

VI. Работа с текстом:

(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

Classification of forests

Botanical classification places forest trees into two main groups, Gymnospermae and Angispermae. The gymnosperms consist exclusively of trees and woody shrubs, whereas the angiosperms are a diverse group of plants that include trees and shrubs as well as grasses and herbaceous plants. The gymnosperms are of very ancient lineage and include the earliest trees on the evolutionary scale. With certain exceptions, the seeds of gymnosperms are borne in cones, where they develop naked or exposed on the upper surface of the conescales. The wood of these trees has a simple structure. This group includes the well-known pines, spruces, firs, cedars, junipers, hemlocks and sequoias. These species are so dominant in the gymnosperm class that forests of gymnosperm trees are typically called coniferous forests. All gymnosperms are evergreen. The angiosperms constitute the dominant plant life of the present geologic era. They are the products of a long time of evolutionary development that has culminated in the highly specialized organ of reproduction known as the flower, in which seed development occurs within an ovary. This group includes a large variety of broadleaf trees, most with a deciduous leaf habit but some that are evergreen. The angiosperms are further divided into monocots and dicots. Trees are represented in both groups.

Natural forests are those composed of tree species ingenuous to the area. These forests have a complex architecture, comprising a number of different layers. Plantation forests are established artificially by afforestation or reforestation of degraded forest areas.

(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.

VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.

VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.


Вариант 3.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

            The gardener plants beautiful flowers.

II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.

  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.

  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.

  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.

  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.

  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.

  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.

III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.

  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.

  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.

  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.

  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.

  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.

  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.

IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.

  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.

  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.

  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.

  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день

  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.

  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.

  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?

  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.

  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.

VI. Работа с текстом:

(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

Forests and climate

Forests may develop wherever there is an average temperature greater than 10°C in the warmest month and an annual rainfall in excess of 200 millimeters. Above these limits there exists an infinite variety of tree species grouped into a number of stable forest types. Although boundaries between these types are difficult to determine precisely, the major forest communities can be linked to broad latitudinal zones. The forests of the high latitude subpolar regions constitute the taiga and are dominated by stands of such conifers as pines, spruces and larches. Taiga forests are found only in the Northern Hemisphere, where winters are long. Broad-leaved trees predominate in the middle latitudes, where there are six months with an average maximum temperature above 10C and growing season of between 100 and 200 days. Broad-leaved deciduous forests occupy the cooler regions and are dominated by associations of several species including oaks, beeches, birches, aspens, elms and maples. Mixed forests form a transition between the coniferous taiga and the deciduous broad-leaved forest. Farther south as frost becomes infrequent, the composition again changes, and a temperate rain forest of evergreen broad-leaved species develops. In the Southern Hemisphere the forest type contains conifers similar to the true pines: Kauri pine, Chile pine and white pine. The temperate rain forest has fewer tree species than other types of rain forests, and is lower and less dense.

In fact, forests shape up the local climate to a large extent. To give the forest its due, we must say that it reduces the sweep of climate fluctuations in the environments.

(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.

VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.

VIII. Подготовьте устное сообщение о своей будущей специальности.

Вариант 4.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

            The gardener plants beautiful flowers.

II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.

  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.

  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.

  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.

  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.

  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.

  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.

III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.

  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.

  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.

  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.

  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.

  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.

  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.

IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.

  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.

  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.

  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.

  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день

  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.

  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.

  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?

  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.

  1. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.

VI. Работа с текстом:

(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;

South American forests

The vast continent of Central and South America which is often referred to as Latin America in forestry publications, has immense areas of tropical hardwoods much of which are unexploited owing to communication and transportation difficulties and the great distances between the source or raw material processing plants and loading ports. Brasil is South America’s largest country and occupies nearly half of the continent. The vegetation in this area is more luxuriant than anywhere else on earth, and, in terms of forest wealth, production and exports Brasil is of principal importance. The export (mainly in Parana pine) has gradually declined. The reason for the decline in availability is that former vast natural forests in the southern states of Brasil have become depleted and replaced with plantations of imported species which reach maturity in a remarkable short time. The trend is now towards providing fast-growing raw material for the rapidly developing industry producing pulp, paper, particleboard and allied products.

It is calculated by FAO that no less than 67 per cent of the world’s total forests are hardwoods and that Latin America as a whole has over 25% of them. New developments giving enormous advantages over traditional methods are narrowing the enormous gulf which has hitherto prevented the opening up of untouched virgin forests. A typical example of it is the new Trans-American highway which is providing greater access to Amasonia.

(b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.


VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.

Вариант 5.

I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:

            The gardener plants beautiful flowers.

II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:

  1. Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.

  2. His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.

  3. Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.

  4. The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.

  5. Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.

  6. Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.

  7. I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.

III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:

  1. Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.

  2. Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.

  3. You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.

  4. Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.

  5. He is distributing fertilizers now.

  6. They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.

  7. The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.

IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:

  1. Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.

  2. During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.

  3. His dog has been overfed with junk food.

  4. The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):

  1. В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.

  2. Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день

  3. В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.

  4. Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.

  5. Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?

  6. В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.

  7. В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.

VI. Работа с текстом:

(a) прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;


Over 40,000 species of woody plants have been botanically identified, and of these some 10,000 are trees of some commercial importance – at least in their local environment. There are many factors which influence quality of growth and resulting value. Among these are the variations between climatic conditions, the effect of latitude, rainfall, temperature and the effects of mountain ranges, deserts and the Gulf Stream. Moreover, many tree species are represented by a number of species, which between them have a very wide natural distribution. Softwoods are derived from a class of trees known as conifers, which are cone-bearing, have needle-scale-like leaves and are usually evergreen. Hardwoods, on the other hand, come from a class of trees which bear broad leaves. In temperate climates such trees are usually deciduous, but there are evergreen hardwoods. The commoner softwoods, such as European redwood and whitewood, when grown in different parts of Europe, produce very different grades of timber. The farther north a conifer grows the better timber it will produce, as the rate of growth is slower than in the warmer southern climate. The “annual rings” are narrower, and the timber is more even in texture and more valuable. There are two general categories of hardwoods: temperate hardwoods and tropical hardwoods. When one studies the timber trade it is important to have a broad geographical background of the various producing and exporting countries.   

         (b) составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера с их значениями);

(с) поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.

VII. Найдите статью из интернет-газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph.co. uk.) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите его письменно на русский язык.






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