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Иностранные языки → Английский язык

Артикул: иняз55-5

Автор решения: admin

<в каталог Вариант 5 I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите…

<в каталог

Вариант 5

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1. Much work had been done for improving soil fertility on this farm.

    2. Modern agriculture is developing in close contact with science and new technologies.

    3. Our industry will increase the output of faster and more powerful tractors.

    4. The driver usually increases speed gradually.

    5. Some cities are so noisy and polluted that in many places vehicles have been         banned in the city centre.          

    6. I was watching TV from 7 to 9 p. m. yesterday.

    7. Ann had done her homework before her parents came.

II. В следующих предложениях подчеркните  Participle I  и  Participle II                                               и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1. A letter sent from St. Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow.

    2. When sending the telegram, she forgot to write her name.

    3. A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

    4. They will be working at that time tomorrow.

    5. He had translated the text before I came.

III. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.


     1. I like to play the guitar.

     2. It is high time for you to go to bed.

     3. I was planning to do a lot of things yesterday.

     4. To get this book, you must go to the library.

     5. To play chess was his greatest pleasure.

IV. Письменно переведите текст и выполните упражнение.


         A presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or a learner. Presentations come in nearly as many forms as there are life situations. In the business world, there are sales presentations, informational and motivational presentations, interviews, status reports, image-building, and of course, training sessions.

         Although individuals most often think of presentations in a business meeting context, there are countless occasions when that is not the case. For example, a school district superintendent presents a program to parents about the introductions of foreign language instruction in elementary schools; an artist demonstrates decorative painting techniques to a group of interior designers; a police officer addresses a neighborhood association about initiating a safety program. Students are often asked to make oral presentations. These can be delivered to other students in a seminar or tutorial. You might have been asked to research a subject and use a presentation as a means of introducing it to other students for discussion, or you might be asked to outline a project in which you have been involved. When looking at presentations in the broadest terms, it is more important to focus on their purpose. There are three basic purposes of giving oral presentations: to inform, to persuade, and to build goodwill.

         A good presentation starts out with introductions and may include an icebreaker such as a story, an interesting statement or a fact, or an activity to get the group warmed up. The introduction also needs an objective, that is, the purpose or a goal of the presentation. This not only tells you what you will talk about, but it also informs the audience of the purpose of the presentation.

         Next, the body of the presentation comes. Do not write it out word for word. All you want is an outline. By jotting down the main points on a set of index cards, you not only have your outline, but also a memory jogger for the actual presentation. There are several options for structuring the presentation.

         1) Timeline: arrangement in a sequential order.

         2) Climax: the main points are delivered in order of increasing importance.

         3) Problem/Solution: a problem is presented, a solution is suggested, and benefits are then given.

         4) Classification: the important items are the major points.

         5) Simple to complex: ideas are listed from the simplest to the most complex; it can also be done in a reverse order.

         Audiences believe that presenters who use visual aids are more professional and credible than the presenters who merely speak. Visual aids help presenters to emphasize the key points your audience will understand and remember. The following visual aids should be selected with respect to the needs of your audience and specific portions of your presentation: tables, bar/line graphs, diagrams, pie/flow/organizational charts. The presentation vehicles are based upon the audience’s seating arrangement: overhead projectors, easels, handouts, slides, models, and computer screens. A presentation program Microsoft PowerPoint is often used to generate the presentation content.

         After the body, comes the closing. This is where you ask for questions, provide a wrap-up (summary), and thank the participants for attending.

         And finally, the important part is practice. The main purpose of creating an outline is to develop a coherent plan of what you want to talk about. You should know your presentation so well that during the actual presentation you should only have to briefly glance at your notes to ensure you are staying on track. This will also help you with your nerves by giving you the confidence that you can do it. Your practice session should include a live session by practicing in front of co-workers, family, or friends. They can be valuable at providing feedback and it gives you a chance to practice controlling your nerves. Another great feedback technique is to make a video or audio tape of your presentation and review it critically with a colleague

Ответьте письменно на вопросы:    

a) Have you ever made any presentations?

b) What types of presentations do you know?

c) What is the purpose of giving oral presentations?

d) Do you know how to structure a presentation?

e) Are visual aids useful for making presentations?       

f) Is practice an important part of preparation for a presentation?

 V. Переведите текст, составьте глоссарий (15-20 слов и выражений), напишите аннотацию.

Объем работы - 8 листов. Формат - doc.

Цена: 450.00р.
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