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Иностранные языки → Английский язык

Артикул: иняз51-5

Автор решения: admin

в каталог V вариант I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s; и какую…

в каталог

V вариант
I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s; и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа в Present Indefinite;
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.    All my son's friends are students.
2.    My mother lives in the country.
3.    Every year she visits her relatives.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения и переведите их на русский язык.
1.    My brother is not so tall as you are.
2.    Winter is the coldest season of the year.
3.    The less people think, the more they talk.
III. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждой из них глагол-сказуемое и определите видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
a) 1. They were working all the evening yesterday.
     2. They have visited many places of interest during their traveling.
b) 1. This dinner is cooked by my sister.
2. My father was operated yesterday.
IV. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните Participle1 и Participle2иустановите функцию каждого из них, т.е. является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью сказуемого. Переведите на русский язык.
1.    When done this work will give good results.
2.    The girl playing chess with her friend is a student of our group.
3.    The experiments made at our laboratory are very interesting.
4.    Walking in the forest I enjoyed fresh air.
V. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.    They can do this work themselves.
2.    They were allowed to use dictionaries at the lesson.
3.    He had to take a taxi, because it was too late.
VI. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.
1.    We were sure we should succeed in introducing the new flavours to the market.
2.    The young engineer is sure the professor will give him some valuable advice.
VII. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложениях.
1.    Milk is often pasteurized to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and to eliminate spoilage and defects induced by bacteria.
2.    The main problem of the Sundae-style yogurt production is to place and keep fruit at the bottom of the cup.
3.    To obtain condensed milk water should be partially removed from the mixture of milk and suitable sweetener.
4.    The total solid content to be reached in buttermilk is 12.0-13.5 percent.
VIII. Прочитать и письменно переведите текст.
A sausage is a cylindrical meat product usually made from ground meat, often pork, beef, or veal, along with salt, spices and other flavourings, and breadcrumbs, encased by a skin. Typically, a sausage is formed in a casing traditionally made from intestine, but sometimes from synthetic materials. Sausages that are sold raw are cooked in many ways, including pan-frying, broiling and barbecuing. Some sausages are cooked during processing and the casing may then be removed.
Sausage making is a traditional food preservation technique. Sausages may be preserved by curing, drying (often in association with fermentation or culturing, which can contribute to preservation), smoking, or freezing. Some cured or smoked sausages can be stored without refrigeration. Most fresh sausages must be refrigerated or frozen until they are cooked.
Sausages come in a huge range of national and regional varieties, which differ by their flavouring or spicing ingredients (garlic, peppers, wine, etc.), the meat(s) used in them and their manner of preparation.
A sausage consists of meat cut into pieces or ground, mixed with other ingredients, and filled into a casing. Ingredients may include a cheap starch filler such as breadcrumbs, seasoning and flavourings such as spices, and sometimes others such as apple and leek. The meat may be from any animal, but is often pork, beef, or veal. The lean meat-to-fat ratio depends upon the style and producer. The meat content as labelled may exceed 100%; which happens when the weight of meat exceeds the total weight of the sausage after it has been made, sometimes including a drying process which reduces water content.
In some jurisdictions foods described as sausages must meet regulations governing their content. For example, in the United States The Department of Agriculture specifies that the fat content of different defined types of sausage may not exceed 30%, 35% or 50% by weight; some sausages may contain binders or extenders. 
Many traditional styles of sausage from Asia and mainland Europe use no bread-based filler and include only meat (lean meat and fat) and flavorings. In the United Kingdom and other countries with English cuisine traditions, many sausages contain a significant proportion of bread and starch-based fillers, which may comprise 30% of ingredients. The filler in many sausages helps them to keep their shape as they are cooked. As the meat contracts in the heat, the filler expands and absorbs moisture and fat from the meat. 
When the food processing industry produces sausages for a low price point, almost any part of the animal can end up in sausages, varying from cheap, fatty specimens stuffed with meat blasted off the carcasses (mechanically recovered meat, MRM) and rusk. On the other hand, the finest quality contain only choice cuts of meat and seasoning. In Britain, "meat" declared on labels could in the past include fat, connective tissue, and MRM. These ingredients may still be used, but must be labelled as such, and up to 10% water may be included without being labelled. 
Sausages are emulsion-type products. They are composed of solid fat globules, dispersed in protein solution. The proteins function by coating the fat and stabilizing them in water.

IX. Найдите в тексте значения следующих слов и словосочетаний.
1.    Заключенный в оболочку
2.    изготовленный из кишки 
3.    поджаривание 
4.    оболочка
5.    вяление
6.    колбасы вяленые или копченые
7.    дешевый крахмальный наполнитель
8.    телятина
9.    содержать связующие вещества или наполнители
10.    приправы
11.    значительная доля
12.    должен быть маркирован

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