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Контрольная работа № 3 Variant I Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the vocabulary.         The…

Контрольная работа № 3

Variant I

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the vocabulary.

        The anatomy of domestic animals and sciences connected with it.


         Anatomy is the branch which deals with the form and structure of the principal domestic animals. To understand the structure of the organism in light of the connection between form and function, anatomy uses the data of physiology. Two chief methods of study are employed – systematic and topographic. In the former the body is regarded as consisting of systems of organs or apparatus which are similar in origin and structure and are associated in the performance of certain functions. The approach of systematic anatomy is to divide the organism artificially into parts using the analytical method. The divisions of systematic anatomy are:

1) Osteology (Osteologia), the description of the skeleton;

2) Arthrology (Arlhrologia), the description of the joints;

3) Myology (Myologia); the description of the muscles and accessory structures;

4) Splanchnology (Splanchnologia), the description of the viscera. It includes the following subdivisions:

4.1) Digestive system (Apparatus digestorius);

4.2) Respiratory system (Apparatus respiratorius);

4.3) Urogenital system (Apparatus urogenitalis):

a) urinary organs (Organa uropoetica),

b) genital organs (Organa genitalia);

5) Angiology, the description of the organs of circulation;

6) Neurology, the description of the Nervous system;

7) Aesthesiology, the description of the sense organs and common integument.                    Besides systematic anatomy there is topographic anatomy which studies the spatial  anatomy designates the methods by which the relative positions of the various parts of the body are accurately determined. It presupposes a fair knowledge of systematic anatomy.

       The consideration of anatomical facts in their relation to surgery, physical diagnosis, and other practical branches is termed applied anatomy.

       As animal is a part of nature, anatomy, the science studding animal`s structure, is part of biology. Animal body is the complex of living matter. The structure of living matter comprises not only the form but the function, not only the morphological but the functional peculiarities of the organism.

       Anatomy that studies the normal healthy organism is called normal anatomy, as distinct from pathological or morbid anatomy, which is concerned with the study of the sick organism and the morbid changes in its organs.

        Anatomy is also related closely to histology, the science of tissues, particularly to the branch of histology known as microscopic anatomy. Histology and cytology, the science of the cell, are considered independent branches of science.

       With the invention of the electron microscope, a new science, cytochemistry, was born at the junction of cytology and chemistry. As a result the structure of the animal organism is now studied at different levels: 1) at the level of systems and organs – macroscopic anatomy, micro-macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy; 2) at the level of tissues – histology; 3) at the cellular level – cytology; 4) at the molecular level.

        Thus, anatomy and histology are currently divided according to level and technique of examination. Anatomy, histology, cytology and embryology constitute the general science of the form, structure and development of the organism which is called morphology.


osteology ["ɒsti′ɒləʤi] остеология

skeleton [′skələtɒn] скелет

arthrology [a:θ′rɒləʤi] артрология

joint [′dɒɒint] сустав

myology [mai′ɒləʤi] миология

accessory structures [æk′səsəri ′strΛkt∫əz] вспомогательные структуры splanchnology ["splæηk′nɒləʤi] учение о внутренностях

viscera pl. лат [′visərə] внутренности (кишки)

digestive [di′ʤestiv] пищеварительный

respiratory [ris′paiərətəri] дыхательный

urogenital ["juərɒ′dʒenitəl] мочеполовой

urinary [juə′rinəri] мочевой

genital [′dʒenitəl] половой

angiology ["ændʒi′ɒlədʒi] ангиология

circulation ["sə:kju′lei∫n] циркуляция (крови)

neurology [nju′rɒləʤi] неврология

nervous [′nə:vəs] нервный

aesthesiology [i:s′θezi′ɒlədʒi] эстезиология

 sense organs [′sens′ɒ:gəns] органы чувств

integument [in′tegjumənt] кожа, наружный покров

surgery [′sə:ʤəri] хирургия

applied [ə′plaid] прикладной

morbid [′mɒ:bid] патологический

tissue [′ti∫u:] ткань

 cell [sel] клетка

cellular [′seljulə] клеточный



Ex. 2. Make a review of the article.


Bumblebees benefit from faba bean cultivation


Date: September 10, 2020

Source: University of Göttingen


About one third of payments received by farmers are linked to 'greening measures' to promote biodiversity. These have been criticized because the benefits for biodiversity are unclear. Researchers investigated whether the cultivation of faba beans (Vicia faba - broad bean or fava bean) can support wild bees. They found that bumblebees benefit from cultivating faba beans, while other wild bees depend on semi-natural habitats.

        The researchers recorded wild bees in various German agricultural landscapes for the study. In one half of the landscapes, conventionally farmed faba beans were cultivated; in the other half there were no bean fields. "The nectar of the faba bean is hidden deep in the flowers and is only easily accessible to larger bees with long tongues, such as bumblebees. We therefore wanted to investigate how groups of wild bees, which differ in their external appearance, react to the cultivation of faba beans and whether they can benefit from it," says first author Nicole Beyer from the Functional Agrobiodiversity Group at the University of Göttingen. The study results show that there were more than twice as many bumblebees in the faba bean landscapes than in the landscapes without beans. In contrast, the cultivation of beans did not affect other wild bees. However, these other wild bees benefited from a high proportion of semi-natural habitats.

        "Our research clearly showed that certain bee species can be supported by similar measures in farmed areas. But the benefits depend strongly on the characteristics of the crop and pollinator. In order to encourage the widest possible range of species, we propose a combination of measures: the cultivation of various flowering arable crops such as faba beans and the promotion or preservation of semi-natural habitats with a diverse range of flowers and nesting sites for many other wild bees," concludes Professor Catrin Westphal, Head of Functional Agrobiodiversity at the University of Göttingen.


Journal Reference:

  1. Nicole Beyer, Doreen Gabriel, Felix Kirsch, Katharina Schulz‐Kesting, Jens Dauber, Catrin Westphal. Functional groups of wild bees respond differently to faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) cultivation at landscape scaleJournal of Applied Ecology, 2020; DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13745

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