Иностранные языки → Английский язык
Артикул: иняз45-4
Автор решения: admin
Вариант 4 I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы: The gardener plants…
Вариант 4
I. Поставьте данное предложение во все существующие видовременные формы:
The gardener plants beautiful flowers.
II. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в Passive Voice:
- Bread (to bake) from flour, yeast and water.
- His cow (to feed) properly, that’s why it didn’t produce a large supple of rich milk.
- Many cats and dogs (to take) away from their owners in the UK recently because of bad care.
- The dog (to operate) on when the vet heard some noise in the reception.
- Contour plowing (to use) soon to prevent soil erosion.
- Some rare flowers (to grow) in this region for many years.
- I knew that the cable (to hand) to the man by the electrician.
III. Преобразуйте действительную конструкцию в страдательную:
- Farmers breed dairy cows for milk.
- Many beekeepers have lost their bees because of the parasitic mite Varroa.
- You will always have honey on your table if you start keeping bees.
- Lightning performs some very useful services for a mankind.
- He is distributing fertilizers now.
- They paid all the foreign workers in local currency.
- The use of farm machines will have decreased the amount of human labour by the end of the year.
IV. Поставьте вопросы всех типов к данным предложениям:
- Most cereals are harvested by using a combine.
- During the 18th century farming was transformed by an agricultural revolution.
- His dog has been overfed with junk food.
- The issue of alternative energy sources is being studied by this Research Institute now.
V. Переведите на английский язык, используя различные видовременные формы глагола (Active, Passive):
- В течение жизни корова будет давать много молока.
- Люди едят молочные продукты каждый день
- В местной булочной продается хлеб, приготовленный вручную.
- Эти животные были вакцинированы от многих болезней.
- Чем занимается профессиональный лесник?
- В исследовании отмечено, что в подобный анализ была включена теория спроса и предложения.
- В Соединенных Штатах электрики делятся на две основные категории.
VI. Работа с текстом:
- прочитайте и переведите текст письменно на русский язык;
Farm manure
There is no question of the value of farm manure as a source both of organic matter and of plant-food constituents. The manure varies in quality with the material fed, the material used for bedding, the kind of livestock, and the care with which the manure has been handled. In general, it is high in nitrogen and potash and relatively low in phosphoric acid.
Not only does manure benefit the immediate crop but it has a marked residual effect, particularly if large amounts are used on the heavier soils. This is due in part to the fact that manure is more than a source of plant food. But many of the manure benefits are indirect. As a source of humus and of organic matter it improves the physical condition of the soil, its water-holding capacity, aeration and temperature relationships. It favours the activities of the soil organisms that make nutrients available to plants.
In addition, certain part of its organic constituents may have definite value in promoting plant growth and stimulating root development
Manure is most effective if supplemented with sufficient phosphoric fertilizers to make up its phosphoric acid deficiency. Moderate applications over wider areas bring more profitable returns than unusually heavy applications, a common rate of use being 8 tons per acre. One knows of its having being applied in this amount in most regions.
- составьте глоссарий (13-15 слов или словосочетаний терминологического характера c их значениями);
- поставьте 3-4 вопроса к тексту, раскрывающих его содержание.
VII. Найдите статью из интернет — газеты “The Daily Telegraph” (http: // telegraph. co. uk) объемом в 2000 печ. знаков и переведите письменно на русский язык.